With our service, you will be able to have bird's view vision of how your business is doing
Sales Chart
Our software lets you analyze your sales with easy-to-understand tables and charts by applying your desired time periods like for a year, or for a quarter. This helps to understand the trends that will help your business reach the heights.
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Cashflow Chart
Monetary analysis let you understand the behavior your customers have adapted to. And this will, in turn, enable you to bend your payment accepting methods in that direction. The cashflow analysis also informs you about what item is sold in what quantity.
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Monthly Sales & Colletctions
Being able to look into chunks of time to understand minute changes and growth is a strategy that goes a long way in terms of prediction and growth. So we offer you monthly analysis and monitoring of sales and cash flow tables and charts.
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Simplify the process of generating an invoice and bringing it into the circulation for record keeping and further analysis.
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Stay assured of quick clearing and management of quotes and convert personalized quotes into invoices
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Bring an order in your work by tracking inventory levels, sales, orders, and deliveries.
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Provide all possible means of payments to your clients and be at the top of your game.
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Simple, Secure & Easy to Use
So there it is, all that you should know about Duminex. We aim at making your life easier, so that your time and energy is saved for more creative and attention deserving things. Try it for free.
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